Contact Us
Email: [email protected]
Book Submissions: We are not currently accepting book submissions.
Blog Post Submissions: Published writers may submit guest posts about fiction writing (300 - 700 words) to be considered for publication on our blog. Please include a short (50 - 100 word) biography and a head shot. You are welcome to include links to your author website. Submit your guest post in doc format as an attachment, and email it to [email protected].
Contest Submissions: Coming soon! Check back here for contest details and information about how to submit your flash fiction to our flash fiction contest.
Book Submissions: We are not currently accepting book submissions.
Blog Post Submissions: Published writers may submit guest posts about fiction writing (300 - 700 words) to be considered for publication on our blog. Please include a short (50 - 100 word) biography and a head shot. You are welcome to include links to your author website. Submit your guest post in doc format as an attachment, and email it to [email protected].
Contest Submissions: Coming soon! Check back here for contest details and information about how to submit your flash fiction to our flash fiction contest.